A Virtual Field Trip!!!- Learning Goals
Hello 7th Graders! Today we will be taking a virtual trip to 8 South American countries that contain the Amazon River Basin, also known as the Amazon Rainforest! The Amazon Rainforest is the world’s largest rainforest and you will be researching the 8 countries that contain the Amazon Rainforest. The 8 South American countries are Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela. The Amazon is made up of a mosaic of ecosystems and vegetation types including rainforests, seasonal forests, flooded forests, and savannas. Before you begin your amazing trip, you have to read these learning goals and watch the video provided on this page, in order to know what you will be learning at the 8 stops and to see what kind of species live in the Amazon Rainforest. Take a moment to watch the video at the bottom of the page and then continue reading the learning goals.
Now that you have watched the video, here is what you need to learn about each country you stop at. For each country you must answer the following questions: 1. Describe what you see in the pictures on each stop. 2. How much of this country contains the Amazon Rainforest? 3. Name a specie of plants, birds, amphibians, mammals or reptiles that live in this country and describe what they look like? 4. What is the annual deforestation rate of this country? 5. Why is the Amazon Rainforest disappearing in this country (list two reasons)? 6. What do you think should be done about the vast amount of forest disappearing in each country? 7. Do you think the government should protect the Amazon Rainforest in this country, why or why not? I have provided quotations from a few websites that will help you with the questions. Please provide three to four sentences for each question.
These questions will help you learn why the Amazon Rainforest is so important and why we need to protect it from deforestation. I want you to be able to answer the questions I provided you in complete sentences and show that you understood the content of the subject. My goal is for you to be able to analyze the information provided and formulate your own opinion based on the information given. Once you have answered all of these questions and visited the 8 South American countries, check out, “Wait there is more… Materials Referenced”, which includes the websites I used to provide you with information about the Amazon. Then read “Websites- Additional Information on the Amazon”; providing you with a list of six additional websites and descriptions that you can check out to learn more about the rainforest. Finally read, “XYZ- The End”, that reflects on your trip and includes incredible pictures from the Amazon Rainforest. Then write a short essay (2-3 pages) about what you learned in each country and include your opinion about what the government should do about the rainforest and why we should protect it.
Now that you have been informed about your exciting trip across South America, pack your bags and begin your virtual trip to the Amazon Rainforest!